3 Geekiest Quotes of the Week:
"Faster than a bullet! Smaller than a mouse!"
-James Adomian as Huell Howser on subatomic particles in the Large Hadron Collider, Comedy Bang Bang (alright, it was a re-aired clip from an older show)
"They could've been any fracking trees. They could've been Ents for all it mattered."
-Matt Smith (but not that Matt Smith) on the trees of Androzani in the Doctor Who Christmas special, The Doctor's Companion
"Who would sit down and watch a football match?"
-David Tennant on soccer, The Nerdist
All of these awesome shows are available on iTunes or on their websites, if I've included a link.
1. Breaking Good
After every new episode of Breaking Bad, Jim and A.Ron of BaldMove.com discuss the latest misadventures of White and Pinkman with a lot of thoughtful analysis. If you're as obsessed with the show as I am and feeling the hiatus already, it's worth listening to the back episodes. They started this show with the fourth season of Breaking Bad, and they've talked about going back to recap previous seasons. The format is nice and tight; in dept discussion, predictions, predictions with spoilers, listener feedback. Good stuff.
2. Watching Dead
Same guys as above, but it's about Walking Dead! They've said they're thinking about picking up a new show to cover. I hope it's Game of Thrones. Ooh lordy, I hope it's Game of Thrones.
3. The Doctor's Companion
Scott and Matt of Geekshow Entertainment recap and discuss both new (starting with the fifth season) and classic episodes of Doctor Who. I find this especially helpful for getting through classic episodes which can...be...a bit...deliberately...paced. They're a little fanboy about things, but their critiques are solid. They definitely call Moffat on his B.S. when warranted.
4. Previously On
David (of Battleship Pretension, which is a great movie podcast) and Sean go over a variety of shows as well as TV-related news. They end every episode with a more lengthy discussion of a particularly big show (your Breaking Bads, your Homelands). This show can be a little bit tricky to listen to if you aren't interested in whatever show they're discussing, although they're good about avoiding spoilers. But they're thoughtful enough to include a general breakdown by minute/second mark of what they're discussing, so you can skip to the Big Show Discussion if you like.
5. /Filmcast and Reasonable Discussions
This one's a twofer because these shows don't discuss TV all the time. The /Filmcast from /Film is a movie podcast (hence the name) and A.V. Club's Reasonable Discussions discusses (quite reasonably) all manner of pop culture. But at the closing of certain series' seasons, they'll put out episodes of analysis and chat about it. /Filmcast has had good talks about Game of Thrones, The Wire (I dug that one up in the archives and it was very worth it), and Breaking Bad in particular.
What have we learned: It's possible I've had dreams about Bryan Cranston time traveling with Aaron Paul in a fetching ginger wig.
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